ghori sadhu
In search for life
The Aghoris are one of the principal Indian traditions and the most extreme and fascinating form of the Tantra. The sanscrit term Aghora is the combination among two words and has various meanings: A is a negation; Ghora is the obscurity of the ignorance, but it also means intense, deep; Aghora therefore means Light, absence of obscurity, awareness, but it also symbolizes a style of life where a person of the Aghori tradition doesn't have intense or deep feelings, it doesn't make difference among the various feelings, seems to be indifferent to the various stories of the life.
The Aghoris state that all opposites are ultimately illusory. The purpose of embracing pollution and degradation in different ways is the realization of non-duality (advaita). This is done to break through social taboos, which is essentially a changed state of consciousness and to see the illusory nature of all conventional categories.
Aghoris believe that every person’s soul is Shiva but is covered by astamahapasha “eight great nooses or bonds” – sensual pleasure, anger, greed, obsession, fear and hatred. The practices of the Aghoris are centered on the removal of these bonds. Sadhana (rituals) in cremation grounds destroys fear; sexual practices with corpses help release one from sexual desire; being naked destroys shame. On release from all the eight bonds the soul becomes sadashiva and obtains moksha.
Aghoris drink alcohol, smoke ganja and eat meat (in some rites also human meat); they use a human skull as a bowl, they wander among the funeral pyres, meditate at night and don't have any sex inhibition. This path seems to be detached completely from hinduist philosophies and it deceives the true nature of this little known reality in the indian sadhus (ascetics) panorama. The ritual practices of the Aghori are symbols of their non-dualistic beliefs. The corpse upon which they meditate is a symbol of their own body and transcendence of the lower self and realization of the Supreme Self.
An Aghori sadhu set out to obtain a human skull with which powerful rituals can be performed. After the initial ritual of purification the human skull can be used for the main sadhana (ritual). It is also being used as a drinking cup.
There are those who worship the God of the High Heavens.
There are those who worship God in a statue or in an image.
There are those who worship the formless God.
There are those who worship God in their own hearts.
There are those who believe that God is the mind.
The Aghoris worship God in their body or in the body of the others.
Because "I am God", Aham Brahmasmi.
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